I love people that work with passion, I love elegant, sexy, clean designs, and I especially love it when they are environmentally friendly.
And, being Dutch, the easiest form of transportation is going by bike. Even in Buenos Aires, where buses and cars rule the world. And that’s where those four things come together.
Because industrial designers Nata Burta and Alejandro Sanguinetti from Monochorome recycle bikes that result coolest ones that I have ever seen, produced in the most ecofriendly way and using the best materials, which is also ecofriendly because they last longer. The beautiful leather saddles are handmade, so regional craftmanship is also sustained. They encourage, even invite, people from all over the world to copy their way of producing, so eventually those bikes don’t have to be flown all over the world. Until that moment, you can have it shipped to where ever you want.
I whish I could take one home! I guess I will have to wait untill someone opens a shop in the Netherlands.